New York Laws
Sub Part 1 - General Provisions
665-A - Institutional Participation in Award Programs.

(i) submit to mandatory arbitration to resolve any matter relating to
such award or loan prior to the commencement of any legal action to
enforce an entitlement thereto;
(ii) resolve a complaint relating to any award or loan through an
internal dispute process;
(iii) waive any right, forum, or procedure for a violation of any
provision of this chapter, including the right to file and pursue a
civil action, class action or a complaint with, or otherwise notify, any
state agency, other public prosecutor, law enforcement agency, or any
court or other governmental entity of any alleged violation; or
(iv) be prohibited from disclosing, discussing, describing or
commenting upon the terms of the agreement or any violation thereof.
(b) An institution shall not threaten, retaliate or discriminate
against any student eligible for such award or loan because of the
refusal by such student to consent to mandatory arbitration, to resolve
a complaint through an internal dispute process, to waive any right,
forum, or procedure for a violation of this chapter, including the right
to file and pursue a civil action, class action or a complaint with, or
otherwise notify, any state agency, other public prosecutor, law
enforcement agency, or any court or other governmental entity of any
alleged violation, or not to disclose, discuss, describe or comment upon
the terms of the agreement or any violation thereof.
(c) For purposes of this subdivision, an agreement that requires a
student to opt out of a waiver or take any affirmative action in order
to preserve their rights is deemed a condition that violates paragraph
(a) of this subdivision.
(d) In addition to injunctive relief and any other remedies available,
a court may award a prevailing plaintiff enforcing their rights under
this subdivision reasonable attorneys' fees.
(e) Nothing in this subdivision is intended to invalidate a written
arbitration agreement that is otherwise enforceable under the Federal
Arbitration Act.