New York Laws
Part 1 - Corporate Structure
655 - Powers and Duties of the President.

(i) those required by the federal student aid programs;
(ii) periodic reports on the status of student borrowers at the
particular college;
(iii) interviews or other appropriate communications with student
borrowers at the time an application for a loan is certified or as soon
thereafter as feasible emphasizing the importance of the loan
(iv) interviews or other appropriate communications with student
borrowers who are graduating or are known to be terminating their
enrollment emphasizing the importance of the loan obligation;
(v) providing the corporation, upon request, with the last known
addresses of borrowers who have graduated or otherwise left the college
and who are in default, including any change of address known to the
college after such request;
(vi) certification of student loans as frequently as is advisable and
feasible, and as lenders will process them (on an annual, semester,
quarterly or other academic period basis), with such certification
limited to those educational expenses approved under the federal student
aid programs;
(vii) cooperation in whatever way is feasible and appropriate under
institutional regulations in advising defaulting borrowers of their loan

5. To establish, revise from time to time, charge and collect fees as
the corporation shall determine, consistent with the applicable
provisions of the New York state and federal student aid programs.
6. To prepare and make available explanatory pamphlets concerning
state aid and loan programs.
7. To establish a comprehensive collection of information and
materials relative to public and private sources of higher education
financial assistance available to students and to the characteristics of
the students who are the recipients of such assistance.
8. To conduct financial aid program reviews of a post-secondary
institution's procedures and records with respect to: certification to
the corporation of eligible students for purposes of tuition assistance
program and New York state sponsored student aid programs; compliance of
financial aid programs with the provisions of this article and the
relevant portion of the regulations of the commissioner; disbursement of
tuition assistance program and other awards; and the capacity of
institutions to administer New York state and federal financial aid
9. To request and receive from any department, division, board,
bureau, commission or agency of the state or any subdivision thereof
such assistance and data as it deems necessary to properly carry out its
powers, duties and functions.
10. To develop for the board of trustees a proposed budget for the
following state fiscal year in such form as the board may require and in
accordance with the provisions of section six hundred fifty-three.
11. To appoint such officers, employees and agents, as he may deem
necessary, prescribe their duties, fix their compensation and provide
for reimbursement of their expenses within amounts available therefor by
appropriation; subject, however, to the provisions of the civil service
law, which shall apply to the corporation in the same manner as such law
applies to a municipal corporation other than a city.
12. To perform such other acts as may be necessary or appropriate to
carry out effectively the general objects and purposes of the
corporation, as specified in this article.