New York Laws
Article 13 - Higher Education Student Financial Aid Programs
604 - General Awards.

ยง 604. General awards. 1. Tuition assistance program awards are
available for all students who are enrolled in approved programs and who
demonstrate the ability to complete such courses, in accordance with
standards established by the commissioner.

2. Regents awards for children of deceased and disabled veterans are
available for eligible students in an approved program.

3. Regents awards for children of deceased state correction officers
and state civilian employees of a correctional facility are available
for eligible students in an approved program pursuant to section six
hundred sixty-nine of this chapter.

4. Regents awards for children of deceased police officers,
firefighters, volunteer firefighters and correction officers are
available for eligible students in an approved program pursuant to
section six hundred sixty-four of this chapter.

5. Veterans tuition awards are available for eligible students
enrolled in approved undergraduate or graduate programs at degree
granting institutions and approved vocational training programs pursuant
to section six hundred sixty-nine-a of this title.

6. Tuition awards for part-time undergraduate students enrolled in
approved programs in degree-granting institutions.

* 7. Tuition benefit for active members of the New York army national
guard, New York air national guard and naval militia members enrolled in
approved post-secondary degree programs in degree-granting institutions.

* NB Repealed September 1, 2026

9. Memorial scholarships for children, spouses and financial
dependents of deceased firefighters, volunteer firefighters, police
officers, peace officers, and emergency medical service workers.

10. World trade center memorial scholarships.

11. American Airlines flight 587 memorial scholarships pursuant to
section six hundred sixty-eight-f of this title.

12. Continental Airlines flight 3407 memorial scholarships pursuant to
section six hundred sixty-eight-g of this title.