New York Laws
Title 2 - Village Elections
6-206 - Independent Nominations; Petition, Form.

ยง 6-206. Independent nominations; petition, form. 1. Independent
nominations for elective village offices shall be made by a petition
containing the signatures in ink of residents of the village who are
registered with the appropriate county board of elections at the time of
signing. The sheets of such a petition shall be numbered. A signer need
not himself or herself fill in the date or residence. Each sheet of such
petition must be in substantially the following form and shall contain
all the information required therein:


I, the undersigned, do hereby state that I am a registered voter of
the Village of......., that my present place of residence is truly
stated opposite my signature, and I do hereby nominate the following
named person (or persons) as a candidate (or as candidates) for election
to public office (or public offices) to be voted for at the election to
be held on of........, 20....., and that I select the
name........... (fill in name) as the name of the independent body
making the nomination (or nominations) and.....(fill in emblem) as the
emblem of such body.

Name of

Candidate Public Office Term Residence

(include district

number, if applicable)

............. .................... .... ...............

............. .................... .... ...............

I do hereby appoint (insert names and addresses of at least three
persons, all of whom shall be registered voters within such village) as
a committee to fill vacancies in accordance with the provisions of the
election law.

In witness whereof, I have signed this petition on the day and year
stated before my signature.

Date Signature Residence

.......... ................. ...................

.......... ................. ...................


I, ..................... state that I am a duly qualified voter of the
State of New York. I now reside at ................ (residence address).
Each of the voters whose names are subscribed to this petition sheet
containing ................ (fill in number) signatures, subscribed his
or her name in my presence.

I understand that this statement will be accepted for all purposes as
the equivalent of an affidavit and, if it contains a material false
statement, shall subject me to the same penalties as if I had been duly
....................... ..............................

Date Signature of witness

2. In lieu of the signed statement of a witness who is a duly
qualified voter of the state qualified to sign the petition, the
following statement signed by a notary public shall be accepted:

On the dates above indicated before me personally came each of the
voters whose signatures appear on this petition sheet
containing ............. (fill in number) signatures, who signed same in
my presence and who, being by me duly sworn, each for himself or

herself, said that the foregoing statement made and subscribed by him or
her, was true.



(Signature and official title

of officer administering oath)

Page No........

3. The name selected for the independent body making the nomination
shall be in the English language and shall not include the name or part
of the name, or an abbreviation of the name or of part of the name, of a
then existing party. The name and emblem shown upon such petition shall
conform to the requirements of this chapter, relating to party names and
party emblems. If such a petition shall not show an emblem, or the
petition shall fail to select a name for such independent body, the
board of elections shall select an emblem or name, or both to
distinguish the candidates nominated thereby.

4. An independent nominating petition for a village office must be
signed by at least one hundred voters in villages containing a
population of five thousand or more; by at least seventy-five voters in
villages containing a population of three thousand and less than five
thousand; and by at least fifty voters in villages containing a
population of one thousand and less than three thousand; and in villages
containing a population of less than one thousand by voters numbering at
least five per centum of the number of voters at the last regular
village election. For the purposes of this section, the population of a
village shall be determined by the last federal decennial or local
special population census federally supervised pursuant to section
twenty of the general municipal law.