New York Laws
Article 3 - Municipal Housing Authorities
58-A - Sale of Dwelling Units by Authorities.

ยง 58-a. Sale of dwelling units by authorities. 1. Subject to the
approval of the commissioner in the case of a state project, the federal
government in the case of a federal project or in the case of dwelling
units leased by an authority pursuant to the provisions of section
twenty-three of the United States housing act of nineteen hundred
thirty-seven, as amended, and thereafter purchased by the authority, and
the local legislative body in the case of a municipal project, an
authority may sell a dwelling unit which is suitable by reason of its
detached or semi-detached construction to the tenant in occupancy
thereof, provided that such tenant is a family of low income whose
annual income is within the income limits for admission to
limited-profit housing in the municipality under article two of the
private housing finance law.

2. Any sale by an authority pursuant to paragraph one of this section
may be made pursuant to such negotiated contract, agreement or lease,
containing such provisions, limitations, requirements, terms and
conditions as the authority in its discretion may determine to be
necessary or desirable, including a covenant by the purchaser that
before offering such dwelling unit for sale within a period of time to
be specified in such covenant the purchaser shall first offer the
dwelling unit to the authority at a price not greater than the purchase
price paid therefor by the purchaser; provided that the purchase price
to be paid to the authority shall not be less than the amount required
by the authority to pay or make provision for the payment of all
outstanding obligations of the authority with respect to such dwelling
unit, as determined by the authority.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PBG - Public Housing

Article 3 - Municipal Housing Authorities

30 - Organization of Authorities.

31 - Scope of Authority's Jurisdiction.

32 - Officers and Employees; Compensation and Expenses.

33 - Transfer of Officers and Employees.

34 - Vacancies and Removals.

35 - Non-Liability of Authority Members.

36 - Disqualification of Members and Employees of Authorities.

37 - Powers of Authority.

38 - An Authority Shall File With the Commissioner a Copy of Each Proposed Project Embodying the Plans, Layout, Estimated Costs and Proposed Method of Fina

39 - Projects Financed Solely by Authorities.

40 - Aid From and Cooperation With Federal Government.

41 - Power to Issue Authority Bonds.

42 - Provisions of Authority Bonds.

44 - Signature on Authority Bonds.

45 - Repurchase of Authority Bonds.

46 - Suit on Authority Bonds.

47 - Bond Covenants of an Authority.

48 - Guaranteed Indebtedness of an Authority.

49 - Authority Obligations as Legal Investments and Legal Security for Deposits by Public Officers.

50 - Foreclosure and Other Remedies Against an Authority.

51 - Liability of State or Municipality.

52 - Tax Exemptions of an Authority.

53 - Depositories of Authority Funds.

54 - Filing by Authority of By-Laws, Rules and Regulations.

55 - Projects Undertaken by Municipalities.

55-A - Facilities Incidental or Appurtenant to a Project.

56 - Authorities Created Prior to the Enactment of This Chapter.

57 - Dissolution of Authorities.

58 - Sale or Lease of Municipal Projects by Authorities.

58-A - Sale of Dwelling Units by Authorities.

58-B - Sale or Lease of Project in Connection With Federal Program of Assistance for Low Income Housing.

59 - Disposal of Records.

60 - Reproduction of Records.

61 - Tenant Meetings in Common Areas.