New York Laws
Article 4 - Special Provisions Relating to Beer
57 - License Fees; When Due and Payable; Fee for Part of Year.

(b) Each license issued pursuant to section fifty-five-a of this
article shall be effective for a license year expiring on the
thirty-first day of March following the date of its issuance and the
license fee prescribed therefor shall be the license fee due and payable
therefor and shall be paid in advance of the time of the application as
provided for in this article.
2. When application for any license under this article is made after
the commencement of the license year hereinbefore provided the license
fee therefor shall, for the balance of the license year, be in
proportion as the remainder of such year shall bear to the whole year,
except that it shall in no case be for less than one-half of such year.