New York Laws
Article 12-A - Arthur O. Eve Elementary and Secondary Education Opportunity Program
561 - Definitions.

§ 561. Definitions. The following terms, whenever used in this
article, shall have the following meanings:

a. "Parent" means a legal resident of the state of New York with a New
York taxable income of under five thousand dollars who is a parent,
stepparent, adoptive parent and the spouse of an adoptive parent of a
pupil enrolled in a nonpublic school, or a resident with such taxable
income standing in loco parentis to such pupil.

b. "Taxable income" means the amount of combined net taxable income,
if any, of both parents computed in accordance with the provisions of
section six hundred eleven of the tax law computed without the benefit
of the modification of federal adjusted gross income for nonpublic
school tuition pursuant to paragraph (14) of subsection (c) of section
six hundred twelve of the tax law, for the year for which a tuition
reimbursement payment is sought. If the parents of a pupil are living
apart, the taxable income of the parent who claims reimbursement under
this article shall be based upon the taxable income of that parent with
whom the pupil is living, or who exercises custody if the pupil is a
minor, or would exercise custody if the applicant were a minor and any
appropriate payments for the support of the pupil from the other parent.

c. "Nonpublic school" means any nonprofit elementary or secondary
school in the State of New York, other than a public school, which (i)
is providing instruction in accordance with article seventeen and
section thirty-two hundred four of this chapter, (ii) has not been found
to be in violation of Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252,
42 U.S.C. § 2000 (d), and (iii) which is entitled to a tax exemption
under section five hundred one (a) and five hundred one (c) (3) of the
Federal Internal Revenue Code of nineteen hundred fifty-four, as

d. "Tuition" means the amount actually paid by a parent for the
enrollment of a pupil at a nonpublic school for the calendar year for
which a tuition reimbursement payment is sought.

e. "Pupil" means a resident of the state of New York who has been
enrolled full-time in a nonpublic school and whose parents' combined
taxable income is less than five thousand dollars.

f. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of education of the State of
New York.

g. "Regular school year" means all of the months of the calendar year
exclusive of July and August.