ยง 554. Consistent provisions. Any other provisions of this chapter
relating to mandatory contribution to the retirement system based upon a
member's date of membership in such system shall not be deemed to be
affected by the provisions of this article, and any member who on the
date this article takes effect is not required to contribute shall not
be required to make any contributions as a result of the enactment of
this article. For those members required to contribute to the retirement
system, such contribution shall be treated in the same manner as
specified for such members in article fourteen or article fifteen of
this chapter.
Structure New York Laws
RSS - Retirement and Social Security
551 - Optional Retirement of Certain Members.
553 - Additional Pension Benefit for Members of Optional Twenty Year Retirement Plan.
555 - Ordinary Disability Retirement.
556 - Accidental Disability Retirement.
557 - Members; Certain Disabilities.
558 - Retirement for Disability Incurred in Performance of Duty.