ยง 55.17. Payments in lieu of taxes. The trust may, when funds are
available and with the approval of the governor, enter into an agreement
with a municipality or district within which real property has been
acquired by the trust providing for the payment of moneys in lieu of
anticipated tax revenues for a period not to exceed five years whenever
the trust shall determine that undue hardship justifying such financial
relief has been created by such acquisition.
Structure New York Laws
ACA - Arts and Cultural Affairs
Title T - Natural Heritage Trust
Article 55 - Natural Heritage Trust
55.05 - Natural Heritage Trust.
55.07 - Purposes and Powers of the Corporation.
55.09 - Temporary Assignment and Transfer of Employees.
55.13 - Moneys of the Corporation.
55.15 - Creation of Trust a Public Purpose.
55.17 - Payments in Lieu of Taxes.