New York Laws
Article 6-A - Leasing of Canal Lands
55 - Authority to Lease Land.

ยง 55. Authority to lease land. 1. The corporation is hereby
authorized, after review and comment by the commission as to consistency
with the canal recreationway plan approved pursuant to section one
hundred thirty-eight-c of this chapter and section three hundred
eighty-two of the public authorities law, to enter into leases of canal
lands, canal terminals, and canal terminal lands which are consistent
with the canal recreationway plan. Such review and comment shall be
provided within the time period set forth in the procedures of the
commission established pursuant to section one hundred thirty-eight-b of
this chapter which shall be no more than sixty days.

2. Lands to be leased shall be determined by the corporation to have
no essential purpose for navigation.

3. Leases of canal lands, canal terminals and canal terminal lands
shall be for purposes which are consistent with the New York state canal
recreationway plan approved pursuant to section one hundred
thirty-eight-c of this chapter and section three hundred eighty-two of
the public authorities law.

4. The corporation shall consider fully completed applications for
leases of canal lands, canal terminals and canal terminal lands in such
form and manner as the corporation shall prescribe.

5. Canal lands, canal terminals and canal terminal lands within the
Adirondack park shall not be leased.

6. The corporation shall provide assistance, including reasonable
access to lands, as may be necessary to assist potential applicants in
preparing an application.

7. The corporation may require an applicant for a lease to provide
necessary property surveys, environmental studies, maps and photographs,
site plans and such other documents and studies as the corporation may
determine to be necessary to ascertain the compatibility of proposed
development with the New York state canal recreationway plan and for the
corporation to select a qualified lessee.

8. Revenues realized from the lease of canal lands, canal terminals
and canal terminal lands shall be deposited into the canal fund.