New York Laws
Title 1 - Fire Protection
53 - Storage Compartments.

ยง 53. Storage compartments. There shall be one or more completely
enclosed compartments for the storage of mattresses, furniture, paints,
floor wax, linens, brooms, mops and other such inflammable or
combustible paraphernalia incidental to the occupancy and maintenance of
the dwelling, and such paraphernalia shall be stored in no other portion
of such dwelling. Such compartments shall be completely protected by an
automatic sprinkler system or a fire-detecting system. Closets which do
not exceed one hundred square feet in floor area may be used for the
temporary storage of such paraphernalia, except mattresses, furniture,
paints and insecticides containing inflammable materials and are
excluded from the requirements of this section. Where such storage
compartments are located at least thirty feet distant from such
dwelling, no sprinklers or fire-detecting system shall be required.