New York Laws
Title 2 - County Laboratories
525 - County Laboratories; Boards of Managers; Powers and Duties.

(a) to appoint a director or other person in charge of the laboratory
who shall have such qualifications as may be prescribed by the public
health council;
(b) to exercise general management and control of the laboratory, of
the grounds, buildings, rooms, employees and of all other matters
relating to the government, discipline, contracts and fiscal concerns
(c) to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary in relation
to the administration of the laboratory and the fees to be charged for
laboratory service, not inconsistent with the provisions of this
(d) notwithstanding any other general or special law, to cause to be
erected all additional buildings found necessary after the laboratory
has been placed in operation and to cause to be made all necessary
improvements and repairs within the limits of the appropriations made
therefor; and,
(e) to establish branch laboratories if the area to be served by the
laboratory is so large, if its topography is such as to make access to
the laboratory difficult, or if for any other reason such action seems
reasonable or desirable.
(f) to enter into an agreement annually with the governing board of
any charitable corporation or municipality operating and maintaining a
hospital to provide that the hospital collect fees for laboratory
services for the patients in such hospital in the same manner that
hospital charges are collected, and forward them to the laboratory, and
to provide that the cost of collecting such fees to be paid by the
county to the hospital in an amount mutually acceptable and in lieu of
actual and necessary expenses. No agreement shall become effective
unless and until approved by the commissioner and by resolution of the
board of supervisors.