New York Laws
Article 11 - State Teachers' Retirement System for Public School Teachers
508 - Investment of Funds; Interest; Accounts; Reports.

(b) Any reproduction or reproduction from any media authorized
pursuant to this subdivision shall have the same force and effect as the
originals thereof would have had and shall be deemed to be an original
record for all purposes, including introduction in evidence in all
courts or administrative agencies. Duly certified or authenticated
copies of such reproductions shall be admitted in evidence equally with
the original reproductions.
(c) A duly authorized representative of the retirement system is
hereby authorized to certify to the authenticity of any reproduction
herein authorized and the retirement system shall make such charges
therefor as may be authorized by law.
17. Any real estate interests acquired by the retirement system
pursuant to this section, or pursuant to any other provision of law,
shall be conveyed to it directly by name, or may be taken in the name of
a duly authorized nominee. The retirement system shall have the
authority to organize corporations for the purpose of carrying out the
intent of this subdivision, and may make loans to said corporations for
the purpose of operating, preserving, or otherwise servicing any
property being held by said corporations.
18. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the
retirement board shall have the power to delegate to one or more

investment managers its authority to invest moneys belonging to the
retirement system. The term "investment managers" as used in this
subdivision shall include but not be limited to independent contractors
selected by the retirement board.
19. Whenever a statute requires that a document must be filed or
moneys deposited with the system within a prescribed period of time or
by a specified date in order for a member to be eligible for service
credit or a benefit from the system the document shall be deemed filed
or the moneys deposited with the system on the date mailed if mailed to
the system either through (1) the United States postal service by
registered or certified mail or (2) such other equivalent postal mail
service as the retirement board may specifically permit by rule or
regulation with a tracking service confirming a date of mailing.
Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, no such document shall be deemed
filed or moneys deposited with the system on the mailing date unless
actually received by the retirement system as the result of such

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

EDN - Education

Title 1 - General Provisions

Article 11 - State Teachers' Retirement System for Public School Teachers

501 - Definitions.

502 - Retirement System.

503 - Membership of System.

504 - Retirement Board; Members; Terms of Office; Vacancies.

505 - Election of the Active Teacher Members of the Board.

505-A - Election of Retired Teacher Member of Board.

506 - Board Meetings; Oaths of Office; Quorum; Expenses.

507 - Officers of Board; Custody of Funds.

508 - Investment of Funds; Interest; Accounts; Reports.

508-A - New York State Teachers' Retirement System Mwbe Asset Management and Financial Institution Strategy.

509 - Statements of Teachers' Service; Determination of Service Creditable; Service Certificates.

510 - Superannuation Retirement.

511 - Disability Retirement.

511-A - Special Service Retirement.

512 - Withdrawal and Death Benefits.

512-A - Deferred Retirement.

512-B - Loans.

513 - Optional Allowances.

514 - Benefits to Participants in Old Retirement Fund.

515 - Funds Enumerated.

516 - Annuity Savings Fund; Contributions and Payments.

517 - Annuity Reserve Fund; Pension Accumulation Fund.

518 - Pension Reserve Fund.

518-A - Supplemental Retirement Allowance Fund.

519 - Expense Fund.

520 - Duties of Employer.

521 - Collection of Contributions.

522 - Transfer of Contributions Between Retirement Systems.

523 - State Supervision.

524 - Exemption From Taxation and Execution.

525 - Protection Against Fraud.

526 - Merger of Local Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems With the State System.

527 - .

528 - Pensions-Providing-for-Increased-Take-Home-Pay.

529 - Pensions Providing for Increased Take Home Pay for Certain Teachers.

530 - Pensions-Providing-for-Increased-Take-Home-Pay-for-Teachers.

531 - Abandonment of Unclaimed Contributions or Other Benefits; Transfer to the Pension Accumulation Fund.

532 - Supplemental Retirement Allowance.

532-A - Cost-of-Living Adjustment.

533 - Non-Contributory Retirement Plan.

535 - Career Retirement Plan.

536 - Deductions From Benefits of Certain Retired Members.

537 - Lump Sum Payment of De Minimis Service Retirement Benefit.

538 - Excess Benefit Plan.

539 - Certain Actions by Retiring Members.