New York Laws
Article 14-H - Local Option for Conduct of Bingo by Certain Organizations
499 - Severability.

ยง 499. Severability. If any provision of this article or the
application thereof to any municipality, person or circumstances shall
be adjudged unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the
remainder of this article or the application thereof to other
municipalities, persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby,
and the legislature hereby declares that it would have enacted this
article without the invalid provision or application, as the case may
be, had such invalidity been apparent.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

GMU - General Municipal

Article 14-H - Local Option for Conduct of Bingo by Certain Organizations

475 - Short Title; Purpose of Article.

476 - Definitions.

477 - Local Option.

478 - Local Laws and Ordinances.

479 - Restrictions Upon Conduct of Bingo Games.

480 - Application for License.

481 - Investigation; Matters to Be Determined; Issuance of License; Fees; Duration of License.

482 - Hearing; Amendment of License.

483 - Form and Contents of License; Display of License.

484 - Control and Supervision; Suspension of Licenses; Inspection of Premises.

485 - Sunday; Conduct of Games On.

486 - Participation by Persons Under the Age of Eighteen.

487 - Frequency of Game; Sale of Alcoholic Beverages.

488 - Persons Operating and Conducting Games; Equipment; Expenses; Compensation.

489 - Charge for Admission and Participation; Amount of Prizes; Award of Prizes.

490 - Advertising of Bingo Games.

491 - Statement of Receipts, Expenses; Additional License Fees.

492 - Examination of Books and Records; Examination of Managers, etc.; Disclosure of Information.

493 - Appeals From Municipal Governing Body to Control Commission.

494 - Exemption From Prosecution.

495 - Offenses; Forfeiture of License; Ineligibility to Apply for License.

495-A - Unlawful Bingo or Game.

496 - Article Inoperative Until Adopted by Voters.

497 - Amendment and Repeal of Local Laws and Ordinances.

498 - Delegation of Authority.

498-A - Powers and Duties of Mayors or Managers of Certain Cities.

499 - Severability.