1. It is hereby declared to be the policy of this state that all
people, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin or income,
have a right to fair treatment and meaningful involvement in the
development, implementation and enforcement of laws, regulations and
policies that affect the quality of the environment.
2. It shall further be the policy of the state that no group of
people, including a racial, ethnic or socioeconomic group, should be
disproportionately exposed to pollution or bear a disproportionate share
of the negative environmental consequences resulting from industrial,
municipal or commercial operations, or the execution of federal, state
or local programs and policies.
3. It shall further be the policy of the state that no group of
people, including a racial, ethnic or socioeconomic group, should suffer
from inequitable allocation of public resources or financial assistance
for environmental protection and stewardship, including environmental
remediation, pollution prevention, open space acquisition and/or other
protection and stewardship activities.
4. It shall further be the policy of the state that opportunities for
citizen involvement in the development of laws, regulations and policies
that affect the quality of the environment be as reflective of the
diversity of interests and perspective found within the affected
community as possible, including those of racial, ethnic and
socioeconomic groups; that such opportunities be provided as early as
possible in the decision making process; that such opportunities provide
full, timely and accessible disclosure of public records and sharing of
information by the government agency or agencies involved, including the
provision of technical data and the assumptions upon which any analyses
are based; and that such opportunities allow all people, regardless of
race, color, religion, national origin or income, the opportunity to
have their views heard and considered, including opportunities for
two-way dialogue.