ยง 472-n. Statements as to age. In all cases under this article where
children shall come under the care, custody or control of said
corporation, the age of such children shall, so far as said corporation
is concerned, be prima facie deemed and taken to be correct as stated in
the written surrender of the parent or guardian, or the order of
placement or commitment by a family court, or in the transfer or
placement by any agency at the time of placement, admission or
Structure New York Laws
Article 9-A - Berkshire Industrial Farm
Title 2 - Berkshire Industrial Farm
472-E - Institution Continued; Powers.
472-F - Objects of Corporation.
472-H - Election of Directors.
472-I - Quorum to Do Business.
472-J - Custody of Children, How Acquired; Notice to Corporation.
472-K - Placement of Children in Care of Corporation; Effect of Placement.
472-L - Transfer of Certain Children by Agencies.
472-M - Power of Corporation as to Children in Its Care; Corporation to Act as Guardian.