New York Laws
Article 11 - Limitations Applicable to New Entrants
447 - Options.

(1) A "five-year certain option" under which payment is made to the
pensioner for life but is guaranteed for a minimum of five years
following retirement; and
(2) A "ten-year certain option" under which payment is made to the
pensioner for life but is guaranteed for a minimum of ten years
following retirement.
b. No retirement system shall make available to any member subject to
the provisions of this article an option which provides for payment to a
beneficiary or to an estate of the balance of the present value of the
reserve attributable to employer contributions established at the time
of retirement upon the death of the member in retirement.
c. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, an option
selection previously filed by a member or retired member subject to the
provisions of this section may be changed no later than thirty days
following the date of payability of his or her retirement allowance. A
retired member who has been retired for disability may change an option
selection previously filed no later than (1) thirty days following the
date on which such member's application for disability retirement was
approved by the retirement board or (2) thirty days following the date
on which such retiree was retired for disability, whichever is later.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

RSS - Retirement and Social Security

Article 11 - Limitations Applicable to New Entrants

440 - Application.

441 - Eligibility for Retirement.

442 - Minimum Age for Retirement.

443 - Final Average Salary.

444 - Maximum Retirement Benefits.

445 - Service Retirement Benefit.

445-A - Optional Twenty-Year Improved Benefit Retirement Program for New York City Correction Members Below the Rank of Captain.

445-B - Optional Twenty-Year Improved Benefit Retirement Program for New York City Sanitation Members.

445-C - Optional Twenty-Year Improved Benefit Retirement Program for New York City Correction Members of the Rank of Captain or Above.

445-D - Optional Age Fifty-Five Improved Benefit Retirement Program for Certain New York City Members.

445-D*2 - Optional Twenty-Year/age Fifty Improved Benefit Retirement Program for Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Members.

445-E - Optional Twenty-Five Year Improved Benefit Retirement Program for Dispatcher Members

445-E*2 - Optional Twenty-Five Year Improved Benefit Retirement Program for EMT Members.

445-F - Optional Twenty-Five Year Improved Benefit Retirement Program for Deputy Sheriff Members.

445-F*2 - Optional Twenty-Five Year/age Fifty Improved Benefit Retirement Program for Senior Automotive Service Workers, Auto Body Worker

445-F*3 - Optional Twenty-Five Year Improved Benefit Retirement Program for Special Officer, Parking Control Specialist, School Safety Agent, Campus Peace Officer, and New York City Taxi and Limousine Inspector Members.

445-G - Optional Twenty-Five Year/age Fifty Improved Benefit Retirement Program for Automotive Members.

445-H - Optional Twenty-Five Year Improved Benefit Retirement Program for Police Communications Members.

445-I - Optional Age Fifty-Five Retirement Program for New York City Teachers and Certain Other Members.

446 - Credit for Service.

447 - Options.

448 - Death Benefits.

448-A - Death Benefit for Vested Members Who Die Prior to Retirement.

450 - Definitions.

451 - Duration.