(b) Whenever the license to practice barbering or the license to
conduct a barber shop or the certificate of an apprentice is revoked,
such license or certificate shall not be reinstated or reissued until
after the expiration of a period of one year from the date of such
Structure New York Laws
Article 28 - Practice of Barbering
432 - Practice of Barbering; License Required; Apprentices.
433 - Powers of the Secretary of State.
434 - License After Examination; Application to Take.
435 - License Without Examination; Temporary Licenses.
438 - Barber Shop Owners' License; Requirements.
439 - Licenses; Display; Renewal; Duplicates.
441 - Suspension and Revocation of Licenses and Certificates.
442 - Hearing on Charges; Decision.
444 - Violations and Penalties.
444-A - Official Acts Used as Evidence.
445 - Disposition of Moneys Derived From Operation of Article.