(a) the need for bone marrow donations;
(b) patient populations that would benefit from bone marrow donations;
(c) how to join a bone marrow registry; and
(d) how to acquire a free buccal swab kit from a bone marrow registry.
2. The information required by this section shall be made available on
the department's website in a printable format to allow the public to
access such information and for health care practitioners providing
primary care to provide such information to patients who are eighteen
years of age or older and under forty-five years of age who are not
registered with a bone marrow registry.
Structure New York Laws
Article 43-B - Organ Procurement and Donor Support
Title 1 - Organ, Tissue and Body Parts Procurement and Storage
4362 - Organ Procurement Organizations.
4363 - Waiting Lists for Organs.
4364 - Licensure of Banks and Storage Facilities.
4365 - Powers and Duties of the Commissioner.