New York Laws
Article 17 - Implementation of the Rebuild New York Through Transportation Infrastructure Renewal Bond Act of 1983
422 - Powers and Duties of the Commissioner.

§ 422. Powers and duties of the commissioner. The commissioner is
hereby authorized:

1. To provide for the accomplishment of any authorized transportation
infrastructure renewal project unless otherwise provided for in law.

2. To provide for the accomplishment of any authorized municipal
transportation infrastructure renewal project unless otherwise provided
for in law, within the limitations of appropriations available therefor,
pursuant to contract between the commissioner and the municipality
undertaking such project.

3. To utilize federal moneys available or which may become available
to the state, or to a municipality in the form of federal assistance,
for the purposes of effectuating the provisions of this article.

4. To enter into contracts with any person, firm, corporation or
agency, private or governmental, for the purpose of effectuating the
provisions of this article.

5. To prescribe such rules and regulations as he may deem appropriate
to effectuate the provisions of this article, including but not limited
to rules and regulations governing the form, content and submission of
applications by municipalities for state financial assistance for
municipal transportation infrastructure renewal projects.

6. To approve vouchers for the payment of state financial assistance
to persons, firms, corporations or agencies, private and governmental,
and municipalities pursuant to contracts for the accomplishment of
municipal transportation infrastructure renewal projects.

7. To establish or cause to be established by the department of
commerce a New York state content program which shall provide for
notification to New York contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of
opportunities to bid on contracts for projects financed under this
article, and to promulgate procedures which will assure the compliance
of such notification prior to awarding bids, and to require that
contractors submit, as supplementary materials to their bids, documented
evidence of their efforts to encourage the participation of New York
suppliers and subcontractors on transportation infrastructure renewal
projects financed pursuant to this article.

8. To perform such other and additional acts as he deems necessary or
desirable to effectively carry out the provisions of this article.