New York Laws
Article 9 - School Buildings and Sites
409-D - Comprehensive Public School Building Safety Program.

(a) require the inspection of every public school building and
prescribe qualifications of persons who may perform or supervise such
inspections in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(b) establish a safety rating system keyed to the structural integrity
and overall safety of the building. Such system shall rate every major
building system contained within a building and where practicable
identify critical maintenance and include such information in the plan
required in subdivision ten of section thirty-six hundred forty-one of
this chapter;
(c) require each school district to develop a buildings condition
(d) require each school district to develop a five year capital
facilities plan;
(e) establish a process for monitoring all school buildings; and
(f) provide for waivers of the requirements of this section and/or
section four hundred nine-e of this article for districts whose school
building safety inspection procedures in existence on the effective date
of this section are in substantial compliance with such requirements.
3. Notification. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
contrary, the commissioner shall be authorized to notify in writing any
school district or board of cooperative educational services the
existence of a hazardous condition found in any school building within

the school district that is in violation of applicable building, health,
or safety codes or regulations that may threaten the health and/or
safety of students or staffs. Such notice must be acknowledged and
responded to within five business days or less. Such notice shall be
delivered to the superintendent of the school district or the district
superintendent of the board of cooperative educational services. In the
case of a city school district in a city having a population of one
million or more inhabitants such notice shall be delivered to the
chancellor of the city district.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

EDN - Education

Title 1 - General Provisions

Article 9 - School Buildings and Sites

401 - Sites; Designation and Change.

402 - Sale of Former Schoolhouse or Site.

402-A - Procedures for Closing a School Building.

403 - Application of Proceeds of Sale.

403-A - Leasing of School Property.

403-B - Leasing of School Buildings and Facilities.

404 - Acquisition of Real Property.

405 - Conveyance of Property to Public Corporations.

406 - Vesting of Title of Lands in Certain Cases.

407 - Application to Certain Districts.

407-A - Authorization for Dormitory Authority Financing of Capital Facilities for Special Act School Districts.

407-B - Authorization for Dormitory Authority Financing of Capital Facilities for State-Supported Schools for Blind and Deaf Students.

408 - Plans and Specifications of School Buildings Must Be Approved by Commissioner of Education.

408-A - Plans and Specifications for Construction of New School Buildings.

408-B - Submitting Plans and Specifications of School Buildings With Local Fire and Law Enforcement Officials.

409 - School Building Regulations in Relation to Health and Safety.

409-A - Eye Safety Devices for Certain Students and Teachers.

409-B - Use of Mercury Vapor or Metal Halide Lamps Within School Buildings.

409-C - Athletic Safety Equipment.

409-D - Comprehensive Public School Building Safety Program.

409-E - Uniform Code of Public School Buildings Inspection, Safety Rating and Monitoring.

409-F - Electrically Operated Partition and Door Safety.

409-G - Purchase and Use of Paradichlorobenzene Deodorizers.

409-H - Requirements for Notification of Pesticide Applications.

409-I - Procurement and Use of Environmentally-Sensitive Cleaning and Maintenance Products.

409-J - Emergency Alert Notification System in Public Schools; Cities With a Population of One Million or More.

409-K - Pesticide Alternatives.

409-L - Posting Child Abuse Hotline Telephone Number.

409-M - Gender Neutral Single-Occupancy Bathroom Facilities.

410 - Officials Not to Be Interested in Sales, Leases or Contracts.

412 - Condemnation of Schoolhouse and Erection of New Schoolhouse in Place Thereof.

413 - Use of School Buildings for Examinations.

414 - Use of Schoolhouse and Grounds.

415 - No Schoolhouse Shall Be Built on Town Line.

416 - School Taxes and School Bonds.

417 - Allocation of Moneys by Regents for Extraordinary Relief to School Districts.

418 - Purchase and Display of Flag.

419 - Display of Flags in Assembly Rooms.

419-A - Display of Flags in Classrooms.

420 - Rules and Regulations.