New York Laws
Article 14-A - Apportionment or Allocation of Registration Fee Agreement
405-F - Disposition of Fees.

ยง 405-f. Disposition of fees. 1. Except as otherwise herein provided
the provisions of section four hundred twenty-seven of this chapter
shall not apply to any fee collected in accordance with the provisions
of any agreement entered into pursuant to the authority granted in
section four hundred five of this article.

2. The commissioner shall deposit all fees collected or accepted by
him under this article in a responsible bank, banking house or trust
company in the city of Albany which shall pay the highest rate of
interest to the state for such deposit to the credit of the comptroller
on account of the International Registration Plan. Every such bank,
banking house or trust company shall execute and file in the office of
the department of audit and control an undertaking to the state, in the
sum, and with such sureties, as are required and approved by the
comptroller for the safekeeping and prompt payment on legal demand
therefor of all such moneys held by or on deposit in such bank, banking
house or trust company, with interest thereon on daily balances at such
rate as the comptroller may fix. Every such undertaking shall have
endorsed thereon or annexed thereto the approval of the attorney general
as to its form. The comptroller shall on the first day of each month
make a verified return to the department of taxation and finance, of all
fees received by him under this chapter during the preceding calendar

3. The commissioner shall at least on a quarterly basis determine the
amount of fees in such account collected on behalf of and due and owing
to other jurisdictions which are members of the agreement and certify
the same to the comptroller. The comptroller shall then pay to the
appropriate official of each such jurisdiction the amount of fees due to
each such jurisdiction.

4. The comptroller, after reserving an amount sufficient to pay any
refund under this article approved by the commissioner and by him and an
amount, if any, that may be required to make payments to other
jurisdictions pursuant to subdivision three of this section, shall on or
before the tenth day of each month pay into the general fund of the
state treasury the balance to his credit in such bank, banking house or
trust company on account of fees collected under this article at the
close of business on the last day of the month preceding the date of
such payment.

5. The amount paid into the general fund pursuant to subdivision four
of this section shall be deemed to be registration fees collected
pursuant to article fourteen of this chapter and shall be subject to the
provisions of law applicable to the disposition of such fees.