New York Laws
Title 2 - Powers and Duties of Public Welfare Officials
398-D - Child Welfare Services Community Demonstration Projects.

(a) the number of children and families who received preventive
services, child protective services and foster care, (b) the number of
delinquent and incarcerated youth in the demonstration projects, (c) the
length of an average foster care placement, (d) the number of completed
adoptions for youth residing within the demonstration area, including
their age, gender, race, ethnicity and religion, (e) the gross
expenditures for foster care, compared to the gross expenditures for
child protective, preventive and adoption services, (f) changes in the
quality and quantity of time spent by caseworkers with clients, (g)
staffing ratios of foster care, preventive and child protective
services, (h) the perspective (attitude, viewpoint, outlook) of
caseworkers serving and clients served in the demonstration project, and
(i) recommendations for expansion of community-based provisions for
child welfare services. For purposes of the report, the data described

above should be compared to the extent possible with non-demonstration