New York Laws
Title 11-B - Health Insurance Continuation Program for Persons With AIDS
369-N - Relationship of Program to Medical Assistance Program.

ยง 369-n. Relationship of program to medical assistance program. 1. Any
person eligible for medical assistance benefits under title eleven of
this article or who would be eligible for such benefits if an
application were to be made pursuant to section three hundred sixty-six
of this article shall not be eligible for the payment of all or part of
such person's health insurance costs under this program. If all members
of a household can establish eligibility for medical assistance benefits
under the excess income program by use of paid or incurred bills, no
person in that household shall be eligible for the payment of all or
part of such person's health insurance costs under this program.

2. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, expenditures
incurred by social services districts under this title related to
program expenses shall be considered expenditures under the program of
medical assistance for needy persons under title eleven of this article
and there shall be paid to each such district fifty percent of the
amount expended by such district under this title, and for the
administration thereof, after first deducting therefrom any federal
funds properly received or to be received on account thereof.