ยง 36. Removal of town, village, improvement district or fire district
officer by court. Any town, village, improvement district or fire
district officer, except a justice of the peace, may be removed from
office by the supreme court for any misconduct, maladministration,
malfeasance or malversation in office. An application for such removal
may be made by any citizen resident of such town, village, improvement
district or fire district or by the district attorney of the county in
which such town, village or district is located, and shall be made to
the appellate division of the supreme court held within the judicial
department embracing such town, village, improvement district or fire
district. Such application shall be made upon notice to such officer of
not less than eight days, and a copy of the charges upon which the
application will be made must be served with such notice.
Structure New York Laws
Article 3 - Creation and Filling of Vacancies
33-A - Removal of Heads of Departments.
34 - Proceedings for Removal by Governor.
35-A - Removal for Treasonable or Seditious Acts or Utterances.
36 - Removal of Town, Village, Improvement District or Fire District Officer by Court.
37 - Notice of Existence of Vacancy.
38 - Terms of Officers Chosen to Fill Vacancies.
39 - Filling Vacancies in Office of Officer Appointed by Governor and Senate.
40 - Vacancy Occurring in Office of Legislative Appointee, During Legislative Recess.
41 - Vacancies Filled by Legislature.