ยง 342. Reincorporation of existing corporations. Any heretofore
incorporated church, to which this article is applicable, may
reincorporate under the provisions of this article by the same procedure
hereinbefore set forth for incorporation substituting, at appropriate
places, the word "reincorporate" for "incorporate" and filing the
certificate of reincorporation in the office of the county clerk in the
county in which its principal place of worship is located. Immediately
upon the filing of such certificate all the right, title, equity and
interest of such corporation in any estate, real or personal, together
with all franchise and charter rights, shall be vested in the
corporation so created under this article, and the original corporation
shall be null and void.
Structure New York Laws
Article 18 - Churches of the Byelorussian Autocephalic Orthodox Church in America
337 - Application for Incorporation.
338 - Notice of a Meeting for Incorporation.
339 - The Meeting for Incorporation.
340 - Resolutions to Be Adopted at the Meeting for Incorporation.
341 - Certificate of Incorporation.
342 - Reincorporation of Existing Corporations.
343 - Time, Place and Notice of Corporate Meetings.
344 - Organization and Conduct of Corporate Meetings; Qualifications of Voters.
345 - Change of Date of Annual Corporate Meetings.
346 - Changing Number of Laymen Trustees.
347 - The Powers and Duties of Trustees.