(b) Complete street design features are roadway design features that
accommodate and facilitate convenient access and mobility by all users,
including current and projected users, particularly pedestrians,
bicyclists and individuals of all ages and abilities. These features may
include, but need not be limited to: sidewalks, paved shoulders suitable
for use by bicyclists, lane striping, bicycle lanes, share the road
signage, crosswalks, road diets, pedestrian control signalization, bus
pull outs, curb cuts, raised crosswalks and ramps and traffic calming
measures; and recognize that the needs of users of the road network vary
according to a rural, urban and suburban context.
(c) This section shall not apply if it has been determined and set
forth in publicly available documents that one of the following exists:
(i) use by bicyclists and pedestrians is prohibited by law, such as
within interstate highway corridors; or
(ii) the cost would be disproportionate to the need as determined by
factors including, but not limited to, the following: land use context;
current and projected traffic volumes; and population density; or
(iii) demonstrated lack of need as determined by factors, including,
but not limited to, land use, current and projected traffic volumes,
including population density, or demonstrates lack of community support;
(iv) use of the design features would have an adverse impact on, or be
contrary to, public safety.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the
department or agency with jurisdiction over a project to expend monies
in accordance with subdivision (a) of this section that exceed the
amount of state and federal funding for complete street design features.
Structure New York Laws
Article 11 - Miscellaneous Provisions
301 - Jury to Determine Necessity and Assess Damages.
302 - Copy Application and Notice Delivered to Applicant.
303 - Copy and Notice to Be Served.
304 - List of Jurors, and Drawing Jurors.
305 - Delivery, Execution and Return of Venire.
306 - Jury to Determine and Assess Damages; Fees of Justice of Peace and Constable.
308 - Value of Highway Discontinued.
309 - Papers to Be Recorded in the Town Clerk's Office.
310 - Damages to Be Paid Before Opening the Road.
312 - Motion to Confirm, Vacate or Modify.
314 - For What Purpose Private Road May Be Used.
315-A - Improvement Corporations; Right of Acquisition.
316 - Entitled to Free Use of Highways.
317 - Drug Free School Zone Signs.
319 - Obstructions and Their Removal.
322 - Trees, Removal From Highway Bounds.
323 - Injuring Fruit or Shade Trees.
324 - Penalty for Falling Trees.
325 - Fallen Trees to Be Removed.
326 - Penalties, How Recovered.
327 - Lighting Roads, Highways and Bridges.
328 - Lighting of Public Highways or Bridges.
330 - Ramps in Street Curbing.