New York Laws
Title 12 - Pesticide Sales and Use Data Base and Recordkeeping and Reporting
33-1207 - Recordkeeping and Reporting by Importers and Manufacturers.

1. Each person manufacturing or compounding a registered restricted
use pesticide in this state, or importing or causing a registered
restricted use pesticide to be imported into this state for use,
distribution, or storage, shall maintain records of all sales within the
state during the preceding year of each restricted use pesticide product
which he or she has imported, manufactured or compounded. The record of
each restricted use pesticide product shall include:

a. EPA registration number;

b. container size; and

c. number of containers sold to New York purchasers.

2. Such records shall be maintained for a period of not less than
three years. All manufacturers and importers shall file an annual report
containing such information with the department in an electronic format
developed or accepted by the department consistent with system file
specifications on or before February first for the prior calendar year.