New York Laws
Title 4 - Election Inspectors and Poll Clerks
3-402 - Election Inspectors and Poll Clerks; Authority.

ยง 3-402. Election inspectors and poll clerks; authority. 1. Election
inspectors, in performing their duties, shall act as a board and a
majority vote thereof shall be required to decide all questions. If,
however, any inspector or inspectors shall be temporarily absent for a
portion of the meeting, the inspectors present shall have and may
exercise any power or perform any duty conferred or imposed upon a board
of inspectors, provided that they are not all members of the same
political party.

2. Wherever an oath is provided for at any meeting of the board of
inspectors, any inspector may administer it.

3. The board of inspectors, and each member thereof, shall preserve
good order within and around the polling place or place of registration,
and shall keep access thereto unobstructed. The board of inspectors, or
any member thereof, by order in writing may direct the arrest of any
person who refuses to obey the lawful commands of the inspectors or who
is guilty of disorderly conduct disturbing their proceedings or
violating or attempting to violate any of the provisions of this
chapter. Any peace officer, acting pursuant to his special duties, or
police officer shall, when requested by the board or a member thereof,
execute such order forthwith.

4. All election inspectors shall perform their duties as required by
the election law, and in accordance with the directions and instructions
given them by the board of elections.