(i) The hospital shall be at substantial risk of financial failure,
using a combination of generally accepted standard measures of financial
viability and which is:
A. a federally designated sole community hospital or a rural referral
center and is both a federally designated rural hospital and is
classified as a state rural hospital;
B. a federally designated sole community hospital or a rural referral
center and is a federally designated rural hospital;
C. both a federally designated rural hospital and is classified as a
state rural hospital, but is not a sole community hospital or a rural
referral center;
D. either a federally designated rural hospital or is classified as a
state rural hospital; or
E. the hospital is either a federally defined sole community hospital
or rural referral center.
(ii) The hospital is a sole community hospital or a rural referral
center and is both a federally designated rural hospital and is
classified as a state rural hospital;
(iii) The hospital is a sole community hospital or a rural referral
center and is a federally designated rural hospital, but is not
classified as a state rural hospital;
(iv) The hospital is both a federally designated rural hospital and is
classified as a state rural hospital but is not a sole community
hospital or a rural referral center;
(v) The hospital is either a federally designated rural hospital or is
classified as a state rural hospital; or
(vi) The hospital is either a federally defined sole community
hospital or a rural referral center.
c. The commissioner may include in regulation a factor to enhance the
distribution to those hospitals that have taken actions in accordance
with the goals specified in paragraph b of this subdivision to be
applied effective January first, two thousand one, except, however, in
no event shall the distribution of the funds be delayed because of the
development of the factor pursuant to this paragraph.
3. The commissioner shall cause reports to be prepared and submitted
by rural hospitals at such times and in such manner as are consistent
with the purposes of this section.
Structure New York Laws
Article 29-A - Access to Community Health Care Services in Rural Areas
Title 1 - Rural Health Care Access
2952 - Rural Health Network Development Grant Program.
2954 - Limitation on Liability of Network Participants.
2955 - Restraint of Trade by Networks and Network Participants.
2956 - Designation of Upgraded Diagnostic and Treatment Centers.