New York Laws
Title 12 - Mitigation and Remediation of Certain Solid Waste Sites and Drinking Water Contamination
27-1207 - Use and Reporting of the Solid Waste Mitigation Program and the Drinking Water Response Program.

the drinking water response program.

1. Pursuant to the clean water infrastructure act of two thousand
seventeen and within the up to one hundred thirty million dollars
appropriated for such purposes, mitigation and remediation efforts to
address public drinking water contamination from emerging contaminants
and solid waste sites causing or substantially contributing to drinking
water impairment that impacts public health may be conducted in
accordance with this title.

2. The solid waste mitigation program shall receive no more than fifty
million dollars from the clean water infrastructure act of 2017 and be
made available to the department and the department of health, as
applicable, for the following purposes:

a. enumeration and assessment of solid waste sites;

b. investigation and environmental characterization of solid waste
sites, including environmental sampling;

c. mitigation and remediation of solid waste sites;

d. monitoring of solid waste sites; and

e. administration and enforcement of the requirements of section
27-1203 of this title.

3. The drinking water response program shall receive no more than
twenty million dollars annually from the clean water infrastructure act
of 2017 and be made available to the department and the department of
health, as applicable, for the following purposes:

a. mitigation of drinking water contamination;

b. investigation of drinking water contamination;

c. remediation of drinking water contamination; and

d. administration and enforcement of the requirements of this title
except the provisions of section 27-1203.

4. On or before July first, two thousand nineteen and July first of
each succeeding year, the department shall report on the status of the
programs. Such status report shall reflect information available to the
department as of March thirty-first of each year, and shall include
information regarding the number of sites referred to the inactive
hazardous waste disposal site remedial program based on information
obtained pursuant to this title and an accounting of all monies expended
or encumbered from the clean water infrastructure act of two thousand
seventeen during the preceding fiscal year, such accounting to
separately list:

a. monies expended or encumbered for the purpose of conducting site

b. monies expended or encumbered for the purpose of conducting
remedial investigations and feasibility studies;

c. monies expended for mitigation and remediation measures; and

d. an accounting of payments received and payments obligated to be
received pursuant to this title, and a report of the department's
attempts to secure such obligations.

5. all moneys recovered pursuant to title twelve of article
twenty-seven of this chapter shall be deposited into the capital
projects fund (30000), provided that such moneys recovered shall be used
for the same purposes as are authorized by this title.