New York Laws
Article 16 - Ice
262 - Center of River Defined.

ยง 262. Center of river defined. The center of such river is hereby
defined to be a line halfway between low-water mark on the east bank and
low-water mark on the west bank of such river. Where an island
intervenes, having an icehouse or icehouses thereon, the center of the
river, for the purpose of this article, is hereby defined to be a line
in each channel into which said river is thereby divided, halfway
between low-water mark along the shore of such island bordering upon
such channel and the banks of such river opposite such island. Where
there are, or shall be, dykes erected along both banks of said river, or
along either shore of such island and also along the bank of said river,
opposite thereto, the center of said river is hereby defined to be a
line halfway between said dykes. Where there is, or shall be erected, a
dyke along one shore of such island, or along one bank of said river
only, the center of said river is hereby defined to be a line halfway
between said dyke and low-water mark along the opposite bank of said
river, or along the opposite shore of such island, where an island
intervenes. Nothing in this article shall be construed to deprive the
public from the right to travel or drive over such ice for any or all
legitimate purposes whatever.