(b) being a parent, guardian or other person obligated to make child
support payments by an order of child support entered by a court of
competent jurisdiction for a child less than eighteen years old, he or
she fails or refuses without lawful excuse to provide support for such
child when he or she is able to do so; and
2. he or she has previously been convicted in the preceding five years
of a crime defined in section 260.05 of this article or a crime defined
by the provisions of this section.
Non-support of a child in the first degree is a class E felony.
Structure New York Laws
Title O - Offenses Against Marriage, the Family, and the Welfare of Children and Incompetents
Article 260 - Offenses Relating to Children, Disabled Persons and Vulnerable Elderly Persons
260.00 - Abandonment of a Child.
260.05 - Non-Support of a Child in the Second Degree.
260.06 - Non-Support of a Child in the First Degree.
260.10 - Endangering the Welfare of a Child.
260.11 - Endangering the Welfare of a Child; Corroboration.
260.15 - Endangering the Welfare of a Child; Defense.
260.20 - Unlawfully Dealing With a Child in the First Degree.
260.21 - Unlawfully Dealing With a Child in the Second Degree.
260.22 - Facilitating Female Genital Mutilation.
260.31 - Vulnerable Elderly Persons; Definitions.
260.31*2 - Misrepresentation by a Child Day Care Provider.
260.35 - Misrepresentation By, or on Bahalf Of, a Caregiver for a Child or Children.