* § 259-t. Permitted activities. Where any person is granted
presumptive release, parole, conditional release, release to
post-release supervision or any other type of supervised release, the
state board of parole shall not deem a person to be in violation of and
the state board of parole shall not terminate such granted presumptive
release, parole, conditional release, release to post-release
supervision or any other type of supervised release solely because such
person engaged in bona fide work for an employer, including travel time
to or from bona fide work, during curfew times set by conditions of
probation, parole, presumptive release, conditional release or release
to post-release supervision. For purposes of this section, bona fide
work is work performed as an employee for an employer, as defined in
section two of the labor law.
* NB There are 2 § 259-t's
Structure New York Laws
Article 12-B - State Board of Parole
259-A - State Board of Parole; Funding.
259-B - State Board of Parole; Organization.
259-C - State Board of Parole; Functions, Powers and Duties.
259-E - Institutional Parole Services.
259-I - Procedures for the Conduct of the Work of the State Board of Parole.
259-J - Discharge of Sentence.
259-K - Access to Records and Institutions.
259-M - Compacts With Other States for Out-of-State Parolee Supervision.
259-MM - Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.
259-O - Interstate Hearings for Parole Violations.
259-Q - Civil Actions Against Board Personnel.
259-R - Release on Medical Parole for Terminally Ill Incarcerated Individuals.