(a) "WIC" shall mean the special supplemental nutrition program for
women, infants and children;
(b) "WIC food vendor" shall mean a business entity that operates a
retail delivery system that is authorized by the department to sell
products covered by WIC to individuals under the WIC program; and
(c) "Specialty formula" shall mean specifically formulated nutrition
products prescribed for medically fragile WIC participants with
qualifying medical conditions.
2. Every WIC food vendor shall be authorized to sell any product
covered under WIC, including specialty formula, in accordance with the
WIC vendor type as designated by the department, unless specifically
limited or barred by the commissioner pursuant to state or federal
regulations. The commissioner is authorized to establish criteria
defining which WIC food vendors can sell specialty formula. Any such
criteria shall not be applied arbitrarily and shall ensure WIC
participant access to specialty formula. The commissioner shall
establish a process to address individual cases where there is evidence
of inadequate WIC participant access.
Structure New York Laws
Article 25 - Maternal and Child Health
2500 - Maternal and Child Health; Duties of Commissioner.
2500-A - Test for Phenylketonuria and Other Diseases and Conditions.
2500-B - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
2500-C - Special Programs With Respect to Diethylstilbestrol.
2500-D - New York State Poison Control Network.
2500-E - Pregnant Women, Blood Test for Hepatitis B; Follow-Up Care.
2500-F - Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Testing of Newborns.
2500-F-1 - Special Program for HIV Services for Women and Children, Including Adolescents.
2500-G - Newborn Infant Hearing Screening.
2500-H - Statewide Perinatal Data System.
2500-H*2 - Anaphylactic Policy for School Districts and Child Care Providers.
2500-I - Child Food Choking Prevention.
2500-J - Autism Spectrum Disorders; Screening of Children.
2500-L - Pregnant People, Blood Test for Hepatitis C Virus (Hcv); Follow-Up Care.
2501 - Health and Welfare Services to All Children; Duty of Local Boards.
2502 - Report of Certain Conditions.
2503 - Drug Information to Be Furnished Expectant Mothers.
2504-A - Hepatitis B Immunization of a Minor.
2504-B - Information Concerning Pelvic Exams.
2505 - Human Breast Milk; Collection, Storage and Distribution; General Powers of the Commissioner.
2505-A - Rights of Breastfeeding Mothers.
2505-B - Lactation Accommodations in Airports.
2506 - Obstetric and Pediatric Practitioner Incentive Demonstration Program.
2507 - Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children; Specialty Formula.
2508 - Newborn Health and Safe Sleep Study.
2509 - Maternal Mortality Review Board.
2509-A - Corded Window Blind Leaflet.
2509-C - Availability of Adverse Childhood Experiences Services.