A person is guilty of loitering when he:
2. Loiters or remains in a public place for the purpose of gambling
with cards, dice or other gambling paraphernalia; or
5. Loiters or remains in or about school grounds, a college or
university building or grounds or a children's overnight camp as defined
in section one thousand three hundred ninety-two of the public health
law or a summer day camp as defined in section one thousand three
hundred ninety-two of the public health law, or loiters, remains in or
enters a school bus as defined in section one hundred forty-two of the
vehicle and traffic law, not having any reason or relationship involving
custody of or responsibility for a pupil or student, or any other
specific, legitimate reason for being there, and not having written
permission from anyone authorized to grant the same or loiters or
remains in or about such children's overnight camp or summer day camp in
violation of conspicuously posted rules or regulations governing entry
and use thereof; or
6. Loiters or remains in any transportation facility, unless
specifically authorized to do so, for the purpose of soliciting or
engaging in any business, trade or commercial transactions involving the
sale of merchandise or services, or for the purpose of entertaining
persons by singing, dancing or playing any musical instrument; or
Loitering is a violation.
Structure New York Laws
Title N - Offenses Against Public Order, Public Sensibilities and the Right to Privacy
Article 240 - Offenses Against Public Order
240.00 - Offenses Against Public Order; Definitions of Terms.
240.05 - Riot in the Second Degree.
240.06 - Riot in the First Degree.
240.21 - Disruption or Disturbance of a Religious Service, Funeral, Burial or Memorial Service.
240.25 - Harassment in the First Degree.
240.26 - Harassment in the Second Degree.
240.30 - Aggravated Harassment in the Second Degree.
240.31 - Aggravated Harassment in the First Degree.
240.32 - Aggravated Harassment of an Employee by an Incarcerated Individual.
240.36 - Loitering in the First Degree.
240.40 - Appearance in Public Under the Influence of Narcotics or a Drug Other Than Alcohol.
240.45 - Criminal Nuisance in the Second Degree.
240.46 - Criminal Nuisance in the First Degree.
240.48 - Disseminating a False Registered Sex Offender Notice.
240.50 - Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Third Degree.
240.55 - Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Second Degree.
240.60 - Falsely Reporting an Incident in the First Degree.
240.61 - Placing a False Bomb or Hazardous Substance in the Second Degree.
240.62 - Placing a False Bomb or Hazardous Substance in the First Degree.
240.65 - Unlawful Prevention of Public Access to Records.
240.70 - Criminal Interference With Health Care Services or Religious Worship in the Second Degree.
240.71 - Criminal Interference With Health Care Services or Religious Worship in the First Degree.
240.72 - Aggravated Interference With Health Care Services in the Second Degree.
240.73 - Aggravated Interference With Health Care Services in the First Degree.
240.75 - Aggravated Family Offense.
240.76 - Directing a Laser at an Aircraft in the Second Degree.
240.77 - Directing a Laser at an Aircraft in the First Degree.