ยง 237. Preparation of assessment-roll for certain improvements. It
shall thereupon be the duty of the assessors, or the town board, if the
town board shall so elect, to prepare an assessment-roll which shall
contain a description of each lot or parcel of land so that the same may
be ascertained and identified; the names of the reputed owners thereof;
the amount of benefit of said improvement which each such lot or parcel
of land shall have received, and the amount assessed against each lot or
parcel. In case of assessments for general or trunk sewers, drains and
trunk water mains, all property within the sewer, drainage or water
districts shall be included in the assessment. In other cases the town
board shall define the territory to be included by the assessors in the
assessment-roll. The town board may at its election prepare any
assessment-roll in the first instance without at any time submitting the
same to the assessors.
Structure New York Laws
Article 15 - Financing of Public Improvements
231 - Permanent Financing of District and Special Improvements.
231-A - Permanent Financing of District Improvements to Be Paid From General Taxation.
232 - Permanent Financing of General Improvements.
234 - Disposition of Proceeds of Bonds, Notes or Certificates.
235 - Accounts to Be Kept With Each Improvement.
236 - Completion of Improvements.
237 - Preparation of Assessment-Roll for Certain Improvements.
238 - Assessment of Property Partly in District.
239 - Completion of Roll and Hearing.
240 - Delivery of Roll to Collector; Warrant for Collection.
241 - Notice by Collector or Receiver of Taxes; Return of Assessment Roll.
242 - Assessments Payable in Installments.
243 - Collection of Annual Installments of Assessments.
244 - Correction of Assessments.