New York Laws
Article 230 - Prostitution Offenses
230.35 - Promoting or Compelling Prostitution; Accomplice.

In a prosecution for promoting prostitution or compelling
prostitution, a person less than eighteen years old from whose
prostitution activity another person is alleged to have advanced or
attempted to advance or profited or attempted to profit shall not be
deemed to be an accomplice.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PEN - Penal

Part 3 - Specific Offenses

Title M - Offenses Against Public Health and Morals

Article 230 - Prostitution Offenses

230.00 - Prostitution.

230.01 - Prostitution; Affirmative Defense.

230.02 - Patronizing a Person for Prostitution; Definitions.

230.03 - Prostitution in a School Zone.

230.04 - Patronizing a Person for Prostitution in the Third Degree.

230.05 - Patronizing a Person for Prostitution in the Second Degree.

230.06 - Patronizing a Person for Prostitution in the First Degree.

230.07 - Patronizing a Person for Prostitution; Defense.

230.08 - Patronizing a Person for Prostitution in a School Zone.

230.10 - Prostitution and Patronizing a Person for Prostitution; No Defense.

230.11 - Aggravated Patronizing a Minor for Prostitution in the Third Degree.

230.12 - Aggravated Patronizing a Minor for Prostitution in the Second Degree.

230.13 - Aggravated Patronizing a Minor for Prostitution in the First Degree.

230.15 - Promoting Prostitution; Definitions of Terms.

230.19 - Promoting Prostitution in a School Zone.

230.20 - Promoting Prostitution in the Fourth Degree.

230.25 - Promoting Prostitution in the Third Degree.

230.30 - Promoting Prostitution in the Second Degree.

230.32 - Promoting Prostitution in the First Degree.

230.33 - Compelling Prostitution.

230.34 - Sex Trafficking.

230.34-A - Sex Trafficking of a Child.

230.35 - Promoting or Compelling Prostitution; Accomplice.

230.36 - Sex Trafficking; Accomplice.

230.40 - Permitting Prostitution.