New York Laws
Article 3 - Cessions to the United States
23 - Authorization of Acquisition and Cession of Jurisdiction Thereupon, With Reservation of Right to Serve Process.

§ 23. Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction
thereupon, with reservation of right to serve process. The United States
has been authorized to acquire the following tracts or parcels of land,
and jurisdiction thereof has been ceded to the United States by this
state upon such acquisition, on condition that such jurisdiction should
not prevent the execution thereon of any process, civil or criminal,
issued under the authority of the state, except as such process might
affect the property of the United States therein:

1. At Bluff point, Staten Island. A tract at Bluff point, Staten
Island, for the erection of fortifications thereon.

2. On Staten Island. Certain lands on Staten Island belonging to the
state of New York and used for military purposes, prior to February 6,
1836, required by the United States for the construction and maintenance
of proper defenses for the protection of the harbor of New York, and
which the commissioners of the land office have been authorized to
convey accordingly.

3. At Black Rock, Erie county. A tract or tracts of land in the south
village of Black Rock, at or near Buffalo, being so much of blocks Nos.
167, 168 and 186, in such village, required for the site of barracks and
defensive works.

4. At sundry places for light-house purposes. Certain tracts of land,
and land under water, for the construction and maintenance of
light-houses, beacon lights and keepers' dwellings:

For a beacon or range light on Staten Island, in the rear of the Elm
Tree beacon, to serve as a range for the Swash channel.

For a light-house on Point au Roche, on the west side of Lake

For three beacons in the Hudson river--one at the south point of the
island east of Barren Island; one at the north point of the island
opposite and east of Coeymans' bar; and one on the point of the island
at the mouth of Schodack channel, and opposite Mall rocks.

For a beacon to be placed on the extreme eastern point of the north
fork of Long Island.

For a light-house on or near Carlton head, in the St. Lawrence river.

For a beacon light on south end of Cow or Campbell's island, in the
Hudson river, near Castleton.

For a beacon light on Little island, in the Hudson river, near New

For a beacon light at Priming Hook point, east side of Hudson river,
north of Hudson city.

For a beacon light west side of Hudson river, between Athens and

For a first-class light-house near "Great West bay," Suffolk county,
Long Island, New York.

For a beacon light at Lloyd's harbor, Suffolk county, Long Island, New

For a light-house at Horton's point, Suffolk county, Long Island, New

For a light-house at Race point, Fisher's island, Suffolk county, New

For a light-house at or near Windmill point, Lake Champlain, New York.

For a beacon light on "Isle au Motte," Lake Champlain, New York.

For nine beacon lights near Whitehall, Lake Champlain, New York.

On Fisher's island, eastern end of Long Island Sound, New York, ten
and three-tenths acres, more or less. On Barber's point, Lake Champlain,
New York, nine acres, more or less. On Bluff point, Valcour island, Lake
Champlain, New York, two acres, more or less. On the west bank of Oak
Orchard creek, near its mouth, in Orleans county, purchased from Abram

V. Clark of the same county, one-half acre, more or less; and at Fair
Haven, Cayuga county, New York, five acres or less.

For a light-house on North Brother island or vicinity, East river, New

For a light-house on Hart island or vicinity, western end of Long
Island sound, New York.

For a light-house at or near Crown Point, Lake Champlain, New York.

For a light-house site and keeper's dwelling on Cumberland head, in
the county of Clinton, not exceeding ten acres, adjoining the site
occupied by a light-house in 1872.

For a light-house and other light-house purposes on Lake Ontario, in
the town of Somerset, county of Niagara.

For light-houses on the Hudson river, at Tarrytown, Livingston creek
and in Persey's reach, between Catskill and Hudson.

5. At Suspension Bridge. A tract of land in the village of Niagara
city, New York, described as follows: "Beginning at the northeast
intersection of Bridge and Spring avenues, and running in a northerly
direction along said Spring avenue eighty-six feet and seven inches;
thence running easterly in a line parallel with the line of Bath avenue
sixty-four feet, more or less, to a point sixteen feet from the lands of
the New York Central railroad company; thence northerly to Bath avenue,
parallel with and distant sixteen feet from the said lands of the New
York Central railroad company; thence easterly along Bath avenue sixteen
feet; thence southerly 117 feet, eleven inches, more or less, to the
line of Bridge avenue; and thence westerly along the line of Bridge
avenue seventy-five feet, to the point or place of beginning," for the
purpose of a custom-house and post-office.

6. At Oswego. A tract of land in the city of Oswego, described as
follows: "Commencing at the southwestern angle of the cut stone work of
the United States pier, runs thence S. 3° W., 7 feet, to the east side
line of Third street; thence S. 17° E., along said street line, 36 feet;
thence S. 87° E., 115 feet; thence N. 3° E., 261 feet, to a point in
the west line of Second street prolonged; thence N. 17° W., along said
Second street, 120 feet to the northerly side of the United States pier;
thence S. 56° 30' W., along the northern line of said pier, 110 feet, to
the northwestern angle thereof; thence S. 17° E., along the westerly
side of said pier, 250 feet, to the place of beginning, " for the
purpose of erecting, repairing and maintaining a pier for the protection
of the harbor of Oswego.

7. At Oswego. A tract of land in the north end of blocks four and
five, of military lot number five, in the first ward of the city of
Oswego, and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the margin of
Lake Ontario, 164.35 feet S. 88° 14' E. of the point of intersection of
the west line of Fourth avenue with the east side of the new pier, and
running thence S. 3° 30' W., parallel to the line of Fourth avenue,
155.02 feet to a nail in a stake, marked 'U. S.;' thence N. 86° 30' W.,
at right angles with the last mentioned line, and with the line of
Fourth avenue, and passing through a nail in a stake on the west line of
Fourth avenue 150 feet, from its intersection with the east line of the
pier, 406.25 feet, to a nail in a stake, marked 'U. S.;' thence N. 3°
30' E., parallel to the line of Fourth avenue, and at right angles with
the last mentioned line 75.95 feet, to a cross on a boulder on the
margin of the lake; thence along the margin of the lake, at low water
mark, to the place of beginning, together with all the land under water
lying in front of the said above bounded and described premises; the
plat so bounded containing, exclusive of the land under water, 1.201
acres of land," for occupation for the storage of materials, and as
sites for offices and storehouses, for the purpose of erecting,

repairing and maintaining a pier, for the formation of a harbor at

8. At West Point, Orange county. A tract or tracts of land
constituting, on May 15, 1888, the whole or a part of the estate of E.
V. Kinsley, deceased, and to the south of and adjoining the government
lands at West Point, Orange county, for the erection and maintenance of
forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, military academy, hospitals and
other needful buildings.

9. Round pond, Orange county. A tract of land and land under water
known as Round pond, in the town of Highlands, Orange county, and
certain lands adjacent thereto amounting in all to 49.72 acres, for
increasing the water supply of West Point; and any minerals, mineral
right, or right appertaining to such mineral right, in such pond, and
the lands adjacent thereto, owned by the United States, and in lands
through which the right of laying a water pipe from such pond to the
lands of the United States at West Point, was granted prior to January
1, 1881.

10. At Whitehall narrows, Lake Champlain. A tract of land under water
in Whitehall narrows, Lake Champlain, at a point on the westerly edge of
the channel opposite Devil's Pulpit, so called, in the town of Dresden,
Washington county, described as follows: A circle 200 feet in diameter,
the center of which bears from the following points as follows: From
beacon No. 12, N. 45° 30' E.; from beacon No. 15, S. 37° W.; from
Devil's Pulpit, S. 60° E.; from Pulpit point, N. 50° E., for the purpose
of erecting a light-house thereon, and which the commissioners of the
land office have been authorized to convey accordingly.

11. At Whitestone point, Queens county. A tract of land twenty-five
feet square, situate on the north end of Whitestone point, Queens
county, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining lights or other
aids to navigation thereon.

12. On Riker's island, East river. A tract of land of the area of a
circle of twenty-five feet in diameter, on the northwest point of
Riker's island, East river, for the purpose of establishing and
maintaining lights or other aids to navigation thereon.

13. At Spuyten Duyvil. Certain tracts of land, or land under water,
necessary for the improvement of the Harlem river and Spuyten Duyvil
creek, and for the construction of a channel, from the North river to
the East river, through the Harlem kills.

14. In the city of New York. A certain tract or tracts of land in the
city of New York, being such parts of the City Hall park as have been
conveyed to the United States by the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of
the city of New York; except such part of such land as may have been
reconveyed by the United States to the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of
the city of New York.

15. In the city of Kingston for the purpose of a federal building.
All that certain lot and piece of land in the city of Kingston,
beginning on the northerly line of Broadway where said northerly line of
Broadway is intersected by the easterly line of Grand street, and from
said point of beginning running along the easterly side of Grand street
aforesaid north thirty-nine degrees twenty-six minutes east fifty-seven
feet three inches to the southerly line of Prince street; thence along
the said southerly line of Prince street south eighty-two degrees east
one hundred seventy-four feet to a stake on said southerly line of
Prince street; thence from said stake south twenty-two degrees west
seventy-one feet to a stake set in the ground, from said last mentioned
stake north fifty-nine degrees thirty-two minutes east thirty-two feet
one inch to a stake set in the ground; thence from said last mentioned
stake south thirty-one degrees thirteen minutes west sixty-eight and

thirty-five one-hundredths feet to a point on Broadway one hundred
forty-eight feet from the place of beginning; and thence from said point
along the north line of Broadway aforesaid north fifty-three degrees
thirty-two minutes west one hundred forty-eight feet to the place of
beginning; containing about fifteen thousand one hundred square feet.

16. In the city of New York. The block of land bounded by Bowling
Green, Whitehall, Bridge and State streets, for a site for a

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

STL - State

Article 3 - Cessions to the United States

20 - Cession Without Reservation.

21 - Authorization of Acquisition and Cession of Jurisdiction Thereupon Without Reservation.

22 - Cession With Reservation of Right to Serve Process.

23 - Authorization of Acquisition and Cession of Jurisdiction Thereupon, With Reservation of Right to Serve Process.

24 - Cession During Ownership by the United States, With Reservation of Right to Serve Process.

25 - Authorization of Acquisition, and Cession of Jurisdiction Thereupon During Ownership by the United States, With Reservation of Right to Serve Process.

26 - Cession During Ownership by the United States and Use for Public Purposes, With Reservation of Right to Serve Process.

27 - Authorization of Acquisition by the United States, and Cession of Jurisdiction Thereupon During Ownership by the United States and Use for Public Purp

28 - Cession During Use for Purposes Thereof, With Reservation of Right to Serve Process.

29 - Authorization of Acquisition and Cession of Jurisdiction Thereupon, During Use for Purposes Thereof, With Reservation of Right to Serve Process.

30 - Authorization of Acquisition and Cession of Jurisdiction Thereupon, With Reservations of Concurrent Jurisdiction and Right to Serve Process.

31 - Cession During Ownership by the United States and Use for Purposes Thereof, With Sundry Reservations.

32 - Cession During Use for Purposes Thereof, With Sundry Reservations.

33 - Cession With Sundry Reservations.

34 - Cession During Use for Purposes Thereof, With Sundry Reservations.

35 - Cession of Jurisdiction to Lands Acquired for Light-House Purposes.

36 - Acquisition by Condemnation.

37 - Saving Clause.

38 - Relinquishment of Legislative Jurisdiction by the United States of America to This State.