§ 229. Censorship prohibited. 1. The commission may not prohibit or
limit any program or any class or type of program or otherwise censor
the communications or signals transmitted by any cable television
company or over any cable television system, and may not promulgate any
regulation or condition which would interfere with the right of free
speech by means of cable television.
2. No municipality may prohibit or limit any program or class or type
of program or impose discriminatory or preferential franchise fees in
any manner that would tend to encourage or discourage programming of any
particular nature, directly or indirectly.
3. No cable television company may prohibit or limit any program or
class or type of program presented over a leased channel or any channel
made available for public access or educational purposes.
Structure New York Laws
Article 11 - Provisions Relating to Cable Television Companies
215 - Duties of the Commission in Respect to Cable Television Companies.
216 - Powers of the Commission in Respect to Cable Television Companies.
218 - Municipal Fees; Taxes or Charges.
220 - Construction of Systems.
221 - Certificate of Confirmation.
223 - Interconnection and System Coordination.
224 - Requirement for Adequate Service.
224-C - Broadband and Fiber Optic Services.
227 - Termination of Franchises.
228 - Landlord-Tenant Relationship.
229 - Censorship Prohibited.
229-A - Subscriber Limitation on Television Reception.
230 - Liability for Obscenity, Defamation and Invasion of Privacy.