New York Laws
Article 10 - Grade Crossing Elimination
227 - Federal Aid; Receipt and Expenditure.

ยง 227. Federal aid; receipt and expenditure. The comptroller is hereby
authorized to accept from the federal government or any department or
agency thereof any moneys in any way granted, allocated or apportioned
for the purpose of highway-railroad grade crossing eliminations or the
reconstruction or repair of existing grade crossing separation
structures and deposit them in accordance with existing federal or state
law or rules or regulations applicable thereto and the same shall be
available for the purposes granted, allocated or apportioned. Such
moneys shall be available to reimburse the state for its expenses in
connection with a grade crossing elimination project including
incidental improvements rendered necessary or desirable by such project.
The expense of net benefit to be borne by the railroad company shall be
the lesser of (1) the amount of net benefit determined by the
commissioner in accordance with this act or (2) the difference between
the cost of the project exclusive of incidental improvements and the
amount of federal aid for the project exclusive of incidental
improvements. State moneys made available for federal aid grade crossing
elimination projects may be used in the first instance to pay the costs
of said projects.