§ 2183. Immunity passports. 1. Any covered entity that requires proof
of COVID-19 immunization shall permit the use of physical immunity
passports. No covered entity may require digital, electronic, or
smartphone-based proof of immunity. Notwithstanding this section, anyone
requiring an immunization passport shall accept a valid COVID-19
Vaccination Record Card allocated to COVID-19 vaccine providers by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for that purpose. The
provisions of this section shall apply to valid COVID-19 Vaccination
Record Cards allocated to COVID-19 vaccine providers by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
2. Nothing in this section requires a covered entity to require proof
of COVID-19 immunity or to independently verify the information
contained in an immunity passport.
3. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit a covered
entity's obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, article
fifteen of the executive law, the civil rights law, or any other
federal, state, or local anti-discrimination law.
4. Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the practices
of a health care provider, as defined in section eighteen of this
chapter, a hospital or nursing home as defined in article twenty-eight
of this chapter, a health practitioner as defined in section twenty-one
hundred sixty-four of this chapter, a facility, as defined in section
33.13 of the mental hygiene law, or a correctional health service
governed by the department of corrections and community supervision, the
rules of the board of correction in the city of New York, or a county
board of correction, with respect to records concerning their patients'
Structure New York Laws