(a) accept and process applications for additional state payments to
be made pursuant to this title;
(b) determine eligibility for and the amount of additional state
payments in accordance with this title;
(c) redetermine eligibility periodically as the office may require;
provided, however, that any such redeterminations shall be no more
frequent than provided by the applicable regulations of the United
States social security administration; and
(d) take all other actions necessary to effectuate the provisions of
this title.
2. If there is in effect an agreement for the federal administration
of additional state payments, the state shall be responsible for paying
to the secretary an amount equal to: (a) the amount expended under the
state's programs of old age assistance, assistance to the blind and aid
to the disabled during the calendar year, nineteen hundred seventy-two,
less any federal funds properly received on account of such
expenditures; plus (b) any amounts in addition to such sum as may be
required by the agreement.