§ 2102. Qualifications of officers. Every school district officer
must be able to read and write and must be a qualified voter of the
district; and each member of a board of education of a union free school
district, common school district or a central school district shall have
been a resident of the school district, or in the case of a person
qualified by subdivision three of section twenty hundred twelve of this
chapter to vote in a district election, a resident of the district or
reservation, for at least one year prior to the election.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other general or special law to
the contrary, a school district treasurer, collector or clerk need not
be a resident of the school district to hold such office in such
Structure New York Laws
Title 2 - School District Organization
Article 43 - School District Officers--Town and County Officials
2102 - Qualifications of Officers.
2102-A - Required Training for School District Officers.
2103 - Ineligibility to Office.
2103-A - Police Officers and Firefighters on Boards of Education.
2106 - Terms of Officers of Newly Created District.
2108 - Notice and Acceptance of Election.
2109 - Refusal of Trustee to Serve.
2110 - Penalty for Refusal to Serve or Perform Duty.
2111 - Resignation of District Officers.
2113 - Filling Vacancy in Office of Trustee.
2114 - Filling Vacancy in Office of Clerk, Collector or Treasurer.
2115 - Notice of Appointment to Fill Vacancy and Filing Thereof.
2116 - District Records, Books, etc., Are District Property.
2116-A - Books and Records to Be Kept by School Districts.
2116-B - Internal Audit Function.
2118 - Expenses of School District Officers.
2119 - School District Trustee Not to Draw Draft on County Treasurer in Certain Cases.