New York Laws
Article 2 - Office of General Services
21 - Conveyance of Strips of Abandoned Canal Lands and Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation Land.

ยง 21. Conveyance of strips of abandoned canal lands and Onondaga salt
springs reservation land. a. The commissioner of general services is
authorized, in his discretion, to sell and convey at public or private
sale, upon such terms and conditions as he may deem proper, all the
right, title and interest of the state in and to certain strips of
abandoned canal lands or Onondaga salt springs reservation land, which
strips adjoin the old beds of the Erie canal and Oswego canal and
side-cut canals, which beds were heretofore conveyed by the people of
the state of New York and in which said strips of land there remains a
right, title or interest in the people of the state of New York. Any
such private sale, if made, shall be to the state's grantee or to the
successor to the title or interest of the beds so previously granted by
the state and shall be for a consideration not less than the appraised
value of the said right, title or interest.

b. The commissioner of general services is authorized, in his
discretion, to sell and convey at private sale, upon such terms and
conditions as he may deem proper, all the right, title and interest of
the state in and to any parcel of land of the Onondaga salt springs
reservation to the person or persons having a deed of record of such
land, or their successors in interest, since the first day of January,
eighteen hundred ninety-nine, or to any person or persons who have been
in continuous, open, notorious and adverse possession of such land since
the first day of January, eighteen hundred ninety-nine.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PBL - Public Lands

Article 2 - Office of General Services

2 - State-Owned Real Property Inventory and Management Program.

2-A - Certain Transfers of Jurisdiction Over State-Owned Lands and Declarations of Abandonment by the Commissioner of General Services.

2-B - Transfers of Certain Funds.

3 - Powers and Duties; Leases.

4 - Vesting of Crown Lands in the People of the State.

5 - Letters Patent, Form and Contents; to Be Recorded in the Office of the Secretary of State.

6 - Determination of Claims Based on Alleged Failure of Title.

7 - Partition of Lands Held by the State in Joint Tenancy or Tenancy in Common.

8 - Trespasses Upon State Lands.

9 - Penalty for Trespasses.

10 - Power to Investigate Before Grant.

11 - Power to Confirm Defective Grant.

12 - Certain Patents and Grants Ratified.

12-A - Certain Patents Ratified and Confirmed.

13 - Grants to Heirs, Devisees or Successors in Interest.

14 - Time of Performing Conditions of Grant.

15 - Prohibitions as to Grants in Lake George.

15-A - Filling in the State Owned Bed of Lake George Prohibited.

16 - Reservation of Esopus Island.

17 - Payment of Incumbrances on Public Lands; Adverse Claims; Costs.

17-A - Abandonment of Claims Under Defective Tax Sales; Recovery of Taxes Paid Thereon by State.

18 - Expenses Chargeable to Special Funds.

19 - Taxes and Assessments for Local Improvements on State Lands.

19-A - State Aid; Certain State-Leased or State-Owned Lands.

19-B - State Aid; Certain State-Owned or Reacquired Lands.

20 - Grants of Lands in Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation Designated on Certain Map.

21 - Conveyance of Strips of Abandoned Canal Lands and Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation Land.

22 - Management of Sand and Gravel Resources.

23 - Disposition of Moneys Received From Sale of Certain State Lands and Sand and Gravel Thereon.

24 - Sale or Exchange of Certain Detached Parcels of Forest Preserve Lands.

25 - Sale or Exchange of Real Property Owned by the State and Devoted to the Use of the Organized Militia.

26 - Refunds When Sales Cannot Be Completed.

27 - Acquisition of Real Property by Purchase or Appropriation.

28 - Transfer of State Lands or Watershed Conservation Easements to the City of New York for Water Supply Protection Purposes.

29 - Watershed Conservation Easements and Watershed Agricultural Easements.