§ 205. Compensation of employees. Subject to the constitution and the
civil service law but notwithstanding the provisions of any other
general law or of any special law to the contrary, the compensation of
all employees paid from county funds shall be fixed by the board of
supervisors. The board of supervisors may adopt schedules of
compensation and grades with minimum and maximum salaries. Per diem or
per hour schedules of compensation may be adopted for those employees
not paid on a salary basis and under such rules as the board may
determine. Officers may be authorized to fix per diem or per hour rates
of compensation for temporary employment.
Subject to the civil service law and rules relating to promotions, the
compensation of employees may be increased or diminished at any time.
The compensation paid to any employee shall be in lieu of all fees,
percentages, emoluments or other form of compensation payable for
services rendered to the county by virtue of his employment; provided
however, that any employee (1) required by law to reside at a county
institution or (2) authorized by resolution of the board of supervisors,
may be furnished maintenance or any part thereof at a county
institution. Such maintenance furnished on or after the first day of
January nineteen hundred fifty-five shall be defined and the fair value
thereof determined by resolution of the board and the amount so
determined shall constitute part of the compensation fixed for any such
All fees, percentages, emoluments or other compensation received shall
be the property of the county and be paid into the county treasury
monthly on or before the tenth day of the month. Each court stenographer
shall be entitled to retain to his own use, in addition to the amount
fixed by the board of supervisors for regular services, the fees and
other compensation prescribed by law or certified by a presiding judge
pursuant to law, for transcribing and furnishing a copy of the minutes,
testimony or exhibits taken or produced in any civil or criminal action
or proceeding.
Any physician or dentist employed by the E. J. Meyer Memorial
Hospital, by the Westchester county medical center, or by the Nassau
county medical center shall be entitled to receive fees, in addition to
the amount fixed by the respective county legislature for regular
services, for private professional services rendered in accordance with
the provisions of section one hundred thirty of the general municipal
Structure New York Laws
Article 5 - General Powers of Board of Supervisors
200 - Compensation of Supervisors.
201 - Compensation of Officers.
202 - Publication of Compensation and Expenses of Supervisors in Certain Counties.
203 - Expenses Incurred in the Performance of Official Duty.
204 - Positions of Employment.
205 - Compensation of Employees.
205-A - Certain Pilot Projects.
206 - Hours of Work and Office Hours.
206-A - Business in County Offices on Holidays and Saturdays.
207 - Vacations; Sick Leaves; Leaves of Absence.
210 - Examination and Post Audit.
211 - Printed and Electronically Recorded Proceedings of the Board.
212 - Designation of Depositaries.
214 - Designation of Newspapers; Official Publications.
215 - County Property; General Provisions.
216 - Location of County Offices.
217-A - Qualification for Employment as a County Correction Officer.
218 - Courthouses and Judicial Expenditures.
218-A - County Detention Facilities for Juvenile Delinquents and Persons in Need of Supervision.
218-B - Prisoner Furlough Program in County Jails and Penitentiaries.
220-A - Water Quality Management Agency.
223 - Flood Control and Soil Conservation.
223-A - Enacted Without Section Heading.
223-B - Ems Training and Mutual Aid Programs.
224 - Optional Appropriations and Contracts for Public Benefit Services.
224-A - Elimination of Noxious Weeds.
224-B - Cooperative Extension Area and Statewide Program Specialist.
225 - Optional Appropriations for Public Benefit Services Administered by the Board.
225-A - Fire Training and Mutual Aid Programs.
225-B - Contracts for Visiting Nursing Services.
226 - Monuments and Memorials.
226-A - Patriotic Observances.
226-B - Solid Waste Management; Resource Recovery.
226-C - Waiver of Fees for Veterans' Organizations.
226-C*2 - Waiver of Fees for Veterans Organizations.
226-C*3 - Waiver of Fees for Veterans' Organizations.
226-D - Waiver of Fees for Veterans' Organizations.
226-E - Waiver of Fees for Veterans' Organizations.
228 - Disputed Town Boundaries.
229 - Erection and Dissolution of Towns.
231 - Expenses of Police Officer or Peace Officer Injured in Line of Duty.
232 - County Officers' and County Executives' Associations.
233 - Procedure on Tax Limit Increase.
233-A - Amounts to Be Included or Excluded in Computing Constitutional Taxing Power.
233-B - Payment in Lieu of Taxes for Property Acquired for Park or Recreational Purposes.
234 - Additional Powers Granted Under Other Laws.
235 - Enacted Without Section Heading.
236 - County Plumbing Licensing.
236-A - County Master Electrician Licensing.