New York Laws
Article 2 - Corporate Purposes and Powers
201 - Purposes.

(a) A corporation may be formed under this chapter for any lawful
business purpose or purposes except to do in this state any business for
which formation is permitted under any other statute of this state
unless such statute permits formation under this chapter. If,
immediately prior to the effective date of this chapter, a statute of
this state permitted the formation of a corporation under the stock
corporation law for a purpose or purposes specified in such other
statute, such statute shall be deemed and construed to permit formation
of such corporation under this chapter, and any conditions, limitations
or restrictions in such other statute upon the formation of such
corporation under the stock corporation law shall apply to the formation
thereof under this chapter.
(b) The approval of the industrial board of appeals is required for
the filing with the department of state of any certificate of
incorporation, certificate of merger or consolidation or application of
a foreign corporation for authority to do business in this state which
states as the purpose or one of the purposes of the corporation the
formation of an organization of groups of working men or women or wage
earners, or the performance, rendition or sale of services as labor
consultant or as advisor on labor-management relations or as arbitrator
or negotiator in labor-management disputes.
(c) In time of war or other national emergency, a corporation may do
any lawful business in aid thereof, notwithstanding the purpose or
purposes set forth in its certificate of incorporation, at the request
or direction of any competent governmental authority.
(d) A corporation whose statement of purposes specifically includes
the establishment or operation of a child day care center, as that term
is defined in section three hundred ninety of the social services law,
shall provide a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation, each
amendment thereto, and any certificate of merger, consolidation or
dissolution involving such corporation to the office of children and
family services within thirty days after the filing of such certificate,
amendment, merger, consolidation or dissolution with the department of
state. This requirement shall also apply to any foreign corporation
filing an application for authority under article thirteen of this
chapter, any amendments thereto, and any surrender of authority or
termination of authority in this state of such corporation.
(e) A corporation may not include as its purpose or among its purposes
the establishment or maintenance of a hospital or facility providing
health related services, as those terms are defined in article
twenty-eight of the public health law unless its certificate of
incorporation shall so state and such certificate shall have annexed
thereto the approval of the public health and health planning council.