ยง 2-116. Committee; removal of member. A member or officer of a party
committee may be removed by such committee for disloyalty to the party
or corruption in office after notice is given and a hearing upon written
charges has been had. The hearing shall be held by the committee, or a
subcommittee thereof appointed for that purpose, which subcommittee
shall report its findings to the full committee.
Structure New York Laws
Article 2 - Party Organization
2-100 - Party Committees; Provision For.
2-102 - State Committee; Creation.
2-104 - County Committee; Creation.
2-106 - State and County Committees; Election of Members.
2-108 - State and County Committees; New Party.
2-110 - Committees Other Than State and County; Creation.
2-112 - Committees; Organization.
2-116 - Committee; Removal of Member.
2-118 - Committees; Vacancies, How Filled and Effect of Change of Boundaries.
2-120 - Party Positions; to Be Filled at Primary Election, Time for Filing Statement as To.