New York Laws
Article 2 - Meaning of Terms
19 - Day, Calendar.

§ 19. Day, calendar. A calendar day includes the time from midnight to
midnight. Sunday or any day of the week specifically mentioned means a
calendar day.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

GCN - General Construction

Article 2 - Meaning of Terms

13-A - Armed Forces of the United States.

17 - Criminal Code.

18 - Consolidated Laws.

18-A - Criminal Action.

19 - Day, Calendar.

20 - Day, Computation.

20-A - Distinct Parcel.

22 - Gender.

23 - Heretofore and Hereafter.

24 - Public Holidays; Half-Holidays.

24-A - Closing of Banking Organizations on Saturday; Sunday, Public Holiday or Saturday Afternoon Banking Transactions; Emergency Bank Holidays.

25 - Public Holiday, Saturday or Sunday in Contractual Obligations; Extension of Time Where Performance of Act Authorized or Required by Contract Is Due On

25-A - Public Holiday, Saturday or Sunday in Statutes; Extension of Time Where Performance of Act Is Due on Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday.

25-B - Injury to Property.

25-C - Investment in Bond and Mortgage or Note and Mortgage.

26 - Judge.

26-A - Judgment Creditor.

26-B - Just Compensation as Including Loss of Mortgage Financing.

27 - Last, Preceding, Next and Following.

28 - Mental Disability, Mental Illness, Developmental Disability, Addictive Disorder and Addiction Disorder.

28-A - Mandate.

28-B - Magistrate.

28-C - Down's Syndrome.

29 - Men.

30 - Month, Computation.

31 - Month in Statute, Contract and Public or Private Instrument.

32 - Municipal Officers.

33 - Notice.

33-A - Notify.

34 - Now.

35 - Number, Singular and Plural.

36 - Oath, Affidavit and Swear.

37 - Person.

37-A - Personal Injury.

37-B - Population.

38 - Property.

39 - Property, Personal.

40 - Property, Real.

41 - Quorum and Majority.

41-A - Recital in Record of Meeting as Evidence.

42 - Register of County.

43 - Seal of Court, Public Officer or Corporation.

44 - Seal, Private.

44-A - Seal on Written Instrument.

45 - Seal, Private as Corporate Seal.

46 - Signature.

47 - State.

47-A - Superintendent of Schools.

48 - Tense, Present.

49 - Territory.

50 - Time, Computation.

51 - Time, Night.

52 - Time, Standard.

53 - Time, Use of Standard.

53-A - Trial Juror; Trial Jury.

54 - Village.

55 - Women.

56 - Writing and Written.

57 - Year, Common and Leap.

58 - Year in Statute, Contract and Public or Private Instrument.

59 - Bastard; Illegitimate Child.

60 - Newspapers.

61 - Date for Determining Last Completed Assessment Rolls.

62 - Size of Type.