New York Laws
Article 4 - Private Bankers.
180 - Prohibitions Against Encroachment Upon Certain Powers of Private Bankers, Savings Banks and Savings and Loan Associations.

(1) Engage in the business of receiving deposits;
(2) Make use of the words "bank," "banker" or "banking" or any
derivative or compound of any such words or any word or words in a
foreign language having the same or similar meanings in any sign,
advertisement, circular, letterhead or in other written or printed
matter, in such manner as might indicate that such individual,
partnership or unincorporated association is authorized to engage in
business as a bank or private banker;
(3) As principal, agent or trustee engage in the business of receiving
payments of money in installments, for cooperative, mutual loan, savings
or investment purposes in sums of less than five hundred dollars each
under a declaration of trust or otherwise;
(4) Personally or by the publication or circulation of advertisements
solicit such payment of money to any unauthorized individual, trustee,
partnership or unincorporated association or the execution of a
declaration of trust to or a contract with, any unauthorized individual,
trustee, partnership or unincorporated association, under which such
payments will become due and payable;
(5) Engage in or conduct a business similar to the business of a
savings bank or of a savings and loan association, or promise to make
loans at any time, either fixed or uncertain, upon real estate security
for building, home-owning, savings or investment purposes as an
inducement for the payment of sums of money in installments of less than
five hundred dollars each to any unauthorized person, trustee,
partnership or unincorporated association;
(6) Engage in the business of transmitting money or receiving money
for transmission in any manner whatsoever; provided, however, that
nothing contained in this paragraph shall apply to an individual,
partnership or unincorporated association licensed pursuant to the
provisions of article thirteen-B of this chapter.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor.